实习 and 学生工作


澳门十大赌城官方网站的物理 & Engineering Students are well prepared to take on internships at a wide variety of companies. Past students have had internships with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, J. F. Taylor, Jefferson Lab, Northrup Grumman, Cardinal Scientific, as well as federal agencies. Here are some examples.

Bria”约翰逊, U.S. Department of Energy (2020):

Materials Engineering student Bria”约翰逊 was selected for the prestigious U.S. Department of Energy Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) summer program and her research was featured on the DOE official website. “Johnson spent the 10-week program working on ‘Materials Modeling and Simulation or Supply Chain Assessments’ determining ‘the long-term creep strength and life’ of a corrosion- and heat-resistant nickel-base alloy. Her research assignment was monitored by top scientists at the DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy. ‘My most valuable learning experience from being a part of the fellowship was the independent research skills I developed,约翰逊说. ‘Working independently has allowed me to grow academically, personally and professionally.’”

Kaoutar Sahmoudi, Oceaneering Aerospace and Defense Technologies (2020):

Kaoutar Sahmoudi, Materials Engineering student, “secured an internship with Oceaneering Aerospace and Defense Technologies, 她在哪里? profiled in the company’s ‘Women in Technology’ series, an online feature addressing women in the male-dominated field of engineering. 在她实习期间, Sahmoudi designed and created 3D models of subsea vehicles for government contractor projects.” Following her internship, Sahmoudi “has shared her knowledge from her internship at Oceaneering with her FSU peers and is leading senior capstone projects.”

杰西卡·马丁, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center:

"Conducted thorough testing of the performance of thermal tape adhesive on different spaceflight surfaces, in support of a flight project. I learned about the research and development process and proper lab procedures. 实习期间, I also attended department meetings, 检查飞船, and gave presentations to both the department at the campus as a whole. The data I collected and analyzed will be used in future missions."

凯蒂·汉密尔顿 J. F. 泰勒:

"Redesigned a piece of test equipment for one of the Pax River aircrafts. This project became much larger and I was in charge of creating two originally designed pieces where I worked with the electrical engineers to design multiple parts needed for the project. This job has helped me to learn so much, from getting tons of experience with many different computer software, learning the process of how objects like these go from an idea to a product, to learning how a company functions."

尼克•韦德 杰佛逊实验室:

"Increased the accuracy of the BigBite hodoscope spectrometer for the high energy beam of the particle accelerator. This was necessary because Jefferson Lab was upgrading the beam energy to 18 GeV - which results in more particles flowing through the beam at a given point. The old hodoscope would be unable to track each particle reliably with too many passing through."

爱里韦德, 贝蒂·格:

"Created a user guide and guided user interface (GUI) for a one-dimensional thermal analysis code. The code is used for a variety of purposes, but its main purpose is to indicate whether or not a product will become too hot for its material to last."

内森·欧文斯 红衣主教科学:

"Worked in the fabrication shop under their manufacturing engineer. I primarily worked with different power tools and machines such as water-jets, 乐队锯, and sand blasters to create and assemble products from drawings."


学生工作 within the 物理 & Engineering Department

物理 & Engineering students also can work part-time in the department, gaining valuable experience and knowledge in the process.

  • Lab Assistant (Additive Manufacturing Lab, 机械工厂, 机器人实验室, 流体实验室, 电子实验室, Materials Science Lab)
  • 学生年级
  • 研究助理
  • 教学助理